
Keeping Multiple Queens of Apis cerana Colonies to Increase to Increase Honey Yields

Project Title : Keeping Multiple Queens of Apis cerana Colonies to Increase to Increase Honey Yields

Research : Mananya Phiancharoen

Office : 

Research Grants : Under the research project and innovation for technology transfer to Root Community Annual budget 2008

Year : 30 Oct 2009


                The aim of this research was to develop the technique of keeping the multiple queens in Apis cerana colony to enhance worker population and honey production. The experiments were conducted the double queen system by introducing different different types of queens into queens types of queens into each recipient colonies Which were virgin queen (age 1-3 days). Mated queen by artificial Insemination  (age 2 months) and mated queen by natural mating (age 1 year ). The percentages of queen acceptances by recipient colonies were 50% in natural mated queen 33.33% in artificial inseminated queen and the virgin queen were rejected from all recipient colonies. This double queen system increased approximately 30% of the worker population and encouraged approximately 15% of the honey yield more than in control colony with single queen system.

Keywords: Queen, Apis cerana, Honey yield